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Explore Korea Study Abroad Program
The sociology and anthropology department's study abroad program Explore Korea will take 15 Washburn students to South Korea for two weeks this summer. Explore Korea is the very first departmental study abroad program in 10 years. The students in the program will explore Korea's past, present and future with the unique opportunity to experience a wide range of Korean culture including K-food and K-music and to explore key social issues such as aging and immigration.

We aim to raise $2,000 on Day of Giving to offset student expenses as they visit numerous museums and cultural landmarks and experience hands-on activities like cooking and crafting. As studying abroad can be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for students, this excursion will be a transformative, life-changing experience for the students in the program.

As of now, the overall cost is set to $3,800 per student with Washburn Transformational Experience scholarships ($1,000). Unlike other departments, sociology and anthropology is not able to provide additional scholarships to the students. As travel costs are rising, we have to increase the overall cost per student without additional funding. This will add extra financial stress to the students. Your gifts will help ease their financial burdens.

To help send students to Korea, please make a gift to the Sociology & Anthropology Department Travel Fund. 

Highest Number of Gifts
Gifts of any size matter, and they all add up to make a major difference at Washburn University. These projects or funds have the highest number of gifts making an impact today!
Rank Prize Department Gifts
1 $2,000 Men's and Women's Golf 98
2 $1,750 Mass Media Career Accelerator Fund 96
3 $1,250 Sports Traditions and Cultural History of London 80
4 $500 Adopt-A-Turtle 78
5 $500 Volleyball 40
Highest Dollar Total
Your generosity shapes Washburn University's future and the opportunities available to students. Thank you for giving to these projects and departments!
Rank Department Raised
1 School of Business Dean's Fund $20,355.00
2 Jim Concannon Deanship $11,535.00
3 SOL Summer Public Interest Stipends $11,434.00
4 Mulvane Art Museum $11,150.00
5 Dean's Fund & Scholarships - Law $9,425.00
Explore Korea Study Abroad Program
The Washburn University board of trustees will match dollar-for-dollar up to $500 in gifts made to support the Explore Korea Study Abroad Program.
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