The Washburn Law Clinic allows students to practice law before graduation while providing a valuable public service. Your gift on Day of Giving will go toward the Washburn Law Clinic Litigation Fund, which assists Law Clinic clients with the burdensome costs of accessing justice in their cases. The fund is used to cover litigation-related expenses such as publication service, process servers, expert witnesses, investigators and medical examinations. These costs would otherwise stand in the way of our indigent clients' ability to vindicate their rights under the law. The fund also ensures that student learning in the Washburn Law Clinic is not interrupted because a client is unable to gather enough money to pay an unexpected litigation cost.
The Law Clinic operates as a working law firm staffed by upper-level law students and full-time faculty members trained in clinical education. Law Clinic interns are granted special permission from the Kansas Supreme Court to represent individuals who otherwise could not afford legal counsel. Under the close supervision of faculty, interns work with clients on issues of criminal law, family law, juvenile law, civil law, appellate defense practice, and transactional law. A low student-faculty ratio ensures students obtain the maximum benefit from their clinical experience.