We are raising funds on Day of Giving to buy three digital cameras and necessary accessories for our students to learn to photograph the detail of a fingerprint, firearm or footwear impression. While people today carry cell phones and take multiple pictures a day, our students need to learn specific skills of using professional cameras. They need to experiment in finding the proper camera settings to maximize the focus of the lens and capture the best quality details. Perhaps even capturing the crucial details needed to make a match and assist in solving a crime!
We use cameras in two of our core forensic investigation courses along with an elective course in crime scene photography. While we were able to purchase three camera kits approximately three years ago, through the generosity of Washburn Women’s Venture Partners, the majority of our cameras are more than eight years old and are falling behind in dependability and technological advances.
We want students to get as much hands-on practical experience with the camera, multiple lenses for different functions, tripods, shutter cords, filters for low light and specialized photography, external flashes for low-light settings and more. With your generous support on Day of Giving, we hope to raise $4,000 to purchase three updated kits. This will help students feel confident in their photography skills and set them up for success in the real world of crime scene investigation.