Each year, the LinC Bonner Scholar program at Washburn University accepts 16-20 new members with most of these students having identified financial need. As a multi-year community engagement, leadership development, University Honors program, we use federal work study funds to support many of the students as they engage in their service work. However, there are always Bonners who do not qualify to receive these funds despite a demonstrated need for financial support. This means they must rely on student loan money or outside jobs, which take away from campus, community and academic engagement.
Your gift on Day of Giving will help us offer three scholarships of $1800 a year (which almost covers tuition for one three-hour course each semester). Without financial support, it can be difficult for students to fully take advantage of leadership opportunities, academic enrichment, attainment of workplace skills and access to local, national and international experiences and networking opportunities. Supporting LinC Bonner Scholars not only benefits the nonprofit organizations, government agencies and public schools they work with, but also their personal, civic and academic development. Bonners are much more likely to graduate from Washburn, go to graduate school and remain engaged in their community than the general student population.
Thank you for your consideration and support of these amazing student leaders!