Intelligent lighting is now very common in most theatres, including many high schools and community theaters. While these intelligent lights can produce complex effects, the designer and control system operator must know how to use them effectively. Our students must know how to use these lights as designers and operators in order to be competitive candidates in educational, regional and professional theatre. We are still using the original lights from the 1970s. Our goal is to ensure all Washburn theatre graduates have expertise with modern technology.
With gifts totaling $5000, the theatre department can purchase two Intelligent lights. Intelligent lighting refers to stage lighting that has automated or mechanical abilities beyond those of traditional, stationary illumination.
Intelligent lights are versatile and multi-function instruments designed to replace multiple conventional, non-moving lights. Depending on the venue and application, automated lights can be a versatile and economical addition to a stock of traditional lights because, with proper programming, they can swiftly alter many aspects of their optics, changing the “personality” of the light very quickly. Lighting is typically pre-programmed and played back using only simple commands, although moving heads can be controlled “live” if the operator is sufficiently experienced.