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#AllforWU 2025

Washburn's Annual Day of Giving is from midnight to midnight on Feb. 6, 2025. We're excited to celebrate Washburn's 160th birthday with you. We invite Washburn alumni and friends from all over the world to join us by giving online and demonstrating the impact of philanthropy. Projects range from scholarships and student opportunities to program enhancement. From athletics to student emergencies, psychology to turtle research and more! Now is the time. 

Together WE can make a difference.... forever. 

Highest Number of Gifts
Gifts of any size matter and they all add up to make a major difference at Washburn University. These projects or funds have the highest number of gifts making an impact today!
Rank Prize Department Gifts
1 $2,000 Basketball - Women's 124
2 $1,750 Explore Korea Study Abroad Program 110
3 $1,250 Mass Media Career Accelerator Fund 88
4 $500 Adopt-A-Turtle 83
5 $500 Golf - Men's and Women's 79
Highest Dollar Total
Your generosity shapes Washburn University's future and the opportunities available to students. Thank you for giving to these projects and departments!
Rank Department Raised
1 Scholarships for Incoming Freshmen $29,080.00
2 Football $28,805.00
3 Basketball - Men's $15,600.00
4 Dean's Fund & Scholarships - School of Business $14,455.00
5 Baseball $14,150.00
Ichabods are everywhere! #AllforWU
Rank State Gifts
1 KS 914
2 MO 39
3 TX 24
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